No Smoking Day 2024: Date, history, significance, and 10 tips to quit smoking.

No Smoking Day 2024: Here's all you need to know about the date, history and significance of No Smoking Day and 10 expert tips to quit smoking.

By Editorial Team 7 Min Read

Smoking, a habit of many, is associated with severe health hazards, often leading to lung cancer but smoking tobacco is a habit that people find difficult to leave, quit or decrease as cigarette addiction is a tricky thing to tackle because while the harmful effects of smoking are known to all, there’s neither much social censure nor personal awareness regarding how rapidly things can deteriorate on the health front hence, an annual ‘No Smoking Day’ is observed every year to raise awareness against the detrimental effects of smoking tobacco.

India has over 26 crore tobacco users, cutting across all demographics and genders and more than 10 lakh people are losing their lives every year due to tobacco-related diseases while passive smoking too causes severe health problems, often leading to asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.


No Smoking Day is marked annually on the second Wednesday of March.


The practice of observing a ‘No Smoking Day’ originally came up in the United Kingdom, and the first of many such days to come was Ash Wednesday in 1984. The date was later determined to be the second Wednesday in March.


Every year, No Smoking Day is observed as a health awareness day, with the goal of helping smokers quit smoking. In 2010, the day was promoted with a campaign titled “Break free”, which encouraged smokers to literally break free from the chains of tobacco addiction on the occasion of ‘No Smoking Day’.

With the turn of the decade, the urgency for such awareness is at its peak, more than ever. Several celebrities and media personalities also take the opportunity to make public service announcements against smoking.

Tips to quit smoking:

These 5 simple strategies to help you resist the impulse to smoke or use tobacco when a craving occurs.

  1. Find a valid reason: It can be a personal reason, such as improving health or reducing the chance of acquiring diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, or other ailments; protecting your family from passive smoking; it can also be a spiritual one. You must carefully analyze the reason for quitting smoking so that it is convincing enough to overcome the desire to smoke.
  2. Avoiding triggers: Triggers may include situations in which you previously smoked or chewed tobacco, such as at parties, when drinking, or under stress. Identifying trigger situations, avoiding them completely, or coping with them with non-tobacco coping mechanisms can be helpful. If you frequently smoke after lunch, try eating a piece of dark chocolate that has nicotine. Dark chocolate boosts serotonin and dopamine, improving mood and reducing stress but dark chocolate is lung-friendly.
  3. Snack on it: Give your tongue something to do to combat cigarette cravings. Chew gum or hard candy without sugar. Try eating raw carrots, almonds, fox-nuts, or sunflower seeds for something crunchy and delicious. While attempting to quit smoking, you should not diet. It may put your body under additional stress and can backfire horribly. Try to keep your routine simple and consume more fruits, eggs, whole grains, and protein, all of which are beneficial to your health.
  4. Hobbies and physical activity: Physical activity can help to distract you from your desire to smoke. Physical activities, such as exercise, sports, yoga, brisk walks, deep breathing, and dancing, might provide a distraction from tobacco cravings and diminish their intensity. If it is not possible to engage in physical activity, hobbies such as writing, art, and crafts, meditation, stitching, planting, journal writing, cleaning, painting, visualisation, massage, or listening to soothing music can be just as beneficial.
  5. Don’t have one: You may be tempted to smoke or chew tobacco just once, but don’t kid yourself into thinking that this is the point where you can quit. When you start with one, you almost always end up wanting more than one. And there’s always the possibility that you’ll start smoking again.

Adding to the list of tips, Dr Anuneet Sabharwal, MBBS, MD Psychiatrist, Founder and Director of The Happy Tree (De-addiction and Mental Health Hospital), suggested five simple tips to fight tobacco cravings

1- Try nicotine replacement therapy: Discuss nicotine replacement therapy with your doctor. A doctor can help with nicotine addiction by replacing tobacco with nicotine products that release nicotine more slowly. Nicotine replacement therapy aims to reduce nicotine until the patient can quit. This reduces withdrawal symptoms and cravings. While nicotine chewing gum, lozenges, and patches can be bought over-the-counter, an inhaler or nasal spray is typically prescribed. E-cigarettes are a popular alternative to traditional cigarettes, but they’re not safer or more successful than nicotine-replacement therapy.

2- Seek support from family and friends: Inform your close friends, family, and others that you are attempting to quit smoking. They can urge you to continue, particularly when you are tempted to smoke. You can also join a support group or consult a therapist. Join an online program to help you quit smoking, or read a quitter’s blog and offer uplifting comments to someone who may be experiencing smoking cravings.

3- Ginseng Tea: Ginseng can aid in the reduction of nicotine addiction by reducing the influence of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain associated with pleasure that is released when smoking tobacco. Daily consumption of ginseng tea might consequently lower cravings.

4- Delay: Tell yourself that you must first wait 10 minutes before giving in to your tobacco cravings. Use all means necessary to divert your attention at this time. Rather than smoking, try visiting a smoke-free public place, listening to music, or doodling. These easy approaches may be adequate to help you quit your cigarette addiction.

5- Milk and dairy products: Milk and other dairy products can exacerbate the flavor of cigarettes, producing a harsh aftertaste that is unpleasant. This impact can assist in quitting smoking.

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