History of 22 February: For the first time in the world, cloning got success, this is how the sheep ‘Dolly’ was born.

By Editorial Team 5 Min Read

The date of 22 February is recorded in the history of the country and the world for many important reasons. This date is remembered in the world of science for ‘Clone’. Actually, for years scientists had been trying to create clones, but could not succeed. He thought why not try it on sheep, but this was also not easy because the scientists had failed 227 times. Eventually, he succeeded and for the first time, ‘Dolly’, a sheep made through cloning, was born. This was a sheep that was not born but was created by scientists in the lab.

The world was shocked when a team of scientists from Scotland’s Roslin Institute announced this on February 22, 1997. Although this cloned sheep was born on July 5, 1996, it was only announced seven months later. The sheep was named after American singer and actress Dolly Parton. This was the first time that scientists had created a clone from a cell. For this the technique of nucleus transfer was adopted. Two sheep were taken in it. One white sheep and the other black faced sheep. Scientists took the nucleus from white sheep cells and implanted it into black sheep’s cells (eggs). After this, Dolly the sheep was born. When Dolly was born, she was completely white. At the age of two, Dolly gave birth to her first lamb. Her name was Bonnie. After that Dolly gave birth to five more lambs.

By the year 2001, Dolly started falling ill. His condition became very bad. On February 14, 2003, Dolly was killed by an overdose of medications. He was given euthanasia. When Dolly was born, doctors expected her to live 11-12 years, but Dolly died at just six and a half years. When the post-mortem was done after his death, it was found that he had lung cancer. Sheep often get this disease. After Dolly’s death, her body was donated to the National Museum of Scotland. Even today his body is kept in the museum here. Keith Campbell and Ian Willmott were responsible for creating this sheep.

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  • 1906: Renowned Hindi poet Sohan Lal Dwivedi.
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  • 1982: Famous Urdu poet Josh Malihabadi.
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